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Process of the organization and the operational management of air traffic (ATМ) at the service of air traffic (ATЫ) is possible on the basis of obtaining necessary information by decomposition of the general process of measurement observation. One of the perspective directions of improvement of observation is development and deployment of multiposition system of observation (MLAT – Multilateration), allowing to define location of the aircrafts, transferring at the same time the minimum volume of information. For data exchange in the system of the ATM it is offered to use automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B), it will be carried out in the automatic mode throughout all flight of aircraft. Process of positioning of aircraft is based on time difference of arrival of the signal radiated by an object and decoded at reception stations. For definition of the moment of receipt of a signal on the accepting stations, the system needs uniform basic time therefore hours on all receivers it is offered on the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems).

It is executed imitating modeling of the MLAT system, characteristics of system with placement option for the purpose of overlapping of a zone of airspace of the Irkutsk Regional center and satisfying to factors on realization of the MLAT system are provided. It is shown that use of multiposition system of observation on the basis of multilateratsionny technology allows to increase the accuracy of positioning of the aircraft thanks to the high-precision pseudo-ranging measurements caused by high quality of synchronization of places of acceptance of system on signals of the navigation GNSS satellites and structure of a signal of ADS-B. the expediency of use of the MLAT system as the watch facility for the solution of problems of high-precision positioning of aircraft is confirmed.

The direction of structural synthesis of a complex information-control system MLAT, based on the principle of hierarchical associative-network information processing, is proposed. The methodology for calculating MLAT efficiency is considered.

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