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In this paper, ontological models are constructed in the process of managing information risks and information security (IS) of business entities based on the relationship between the basic concepts in the field of information security of enterprises. The list of the main objects of enterprise protection, the composition and structure of the enterprise management information system (EMIS), information systems, information flows, types and levels of information processed by the EMIS, technical protection measures, taking into account which the main range of information protection means and their connections are determined, are determined with each other, and also reveals the main relationships of ontological models for information security and information risk management, which in the future will allow for their consideration and analysis to take optimally sufficient managerial decisions to minimize threats and obtain prognostic estimates of the level of possible damage, taking into account the sources and properties of information in the context each information asset using various methods in assessing the risks of information security (qualitative, quantitative, hybrid).

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