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Tselishchev V.A. Interactive modeling of technical systems using the Multisim software package // Informacionnye tehnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie v upravlenii slozhnymi sistemami: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Information technology and mathematical modeling in the management of complex systems: electronic scientific journal], 2022. No. 4(16). P. 22-33. DOI: 10.26731/2658-3704.2022.4(16).22-33 [Accessed 17/12/22].

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The importance and necessity of using interactive models of technical systems in the process of training and training of personnel is noted, a brief analysis of existing methods and features of modeling is carried out. Examples of real interactive models of technical systems are given, as which rail chains are used. Interactive models are created using the Multisim software package. The created models are implemented and used during laboratory classes in a distance learning format.

List of references: 

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