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10.26731/2658-3704.2021.2(10). 91-98

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The informational and computing support system for the process of accounting and analysis of energy consumption, developed on the basis of the principles of functional modeling for companies that are consumers of resources is presented in paper. The structure of the database for storing a large volume of heterogeneous data, including the heat engineering characteristics of subordinate buildings and structures, energy supply obligations defined in contracts with energy supply organizations, indicators of actual energy consumption, the results of technical inspection of buildings and premises and expert assessments of the condition of the surveyed premises, is determined. Approaches to the formation of documents reflecting the state of objects based on the results of energy surveys are proposed, including approaches to the development of energy passports of buildings and structures; preparation of reports on the actual consumption of resources and the implementation of statistical and comparative analysis of the process of resource consumption, are proposed.  Within the framework of the system, the necessary heat engineering and economic calculations are performed. The system provides an opportunity to solve the problems of decision-making on the development of measures aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the operation of buildings and individual premises.

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