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Afanasyeva Zh.S., Afanasiev A.D. Ethical aspects of the application of artificial intelligence technologies // Informacionnye tehnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie v upravlenii slozhnymi sistemami: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Information technology and mathematical modeling in the management of complex systems: electronic scientific journal], 2022. No. 3(15). P. 24-32. DOI: 10.26731/2658-3704.2022.3(15).24-32 [Accessed 15/10/22]

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The ethical aspects of applications of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the context of the rapid development of digital solutions and their implementation in many sectors of the economy are discussed.

A distinctive feature of AI philosophy is the question «Can the machine think?» which prompted the modeling of the human mind. Two main views on this issue are presented by the hypotheses of strong and weak AI. Supporters of weak AI prefer to consider AI as programs for creating intelligent systems at the intersection of computer science, linear algebra, statistics and data analysis for solving specialized problems. The question of creating a strong AI in the form of thinking machines that can seize power and replace the human remains open yet. New AI technologies are becoming more powerful and can pose a threat both to the individual and to the development of human civilization as a whole. And this is already an issue that should be considered within ethical limits, as teachings about morality, principles and norms in society.

There are two ethical dilemmas associated with AI research and the application of AI technologies. The first dilemma is related to the use of weak AI technologies. It means changing people’s communications, the use AI technologies for human benefit or harm. The second dilemma is related to relations with fundamentally new subjects - self-learning machines, which are based on strong AI. The AI Code of Ethics adopted in the Russian Federation establishes general ethical principles and standards of conduct that should guide the participants in AI relations in their activities.

The article reviews key events from the history of AI development, which have largely influenced the development of scientific and technological progress; it analyses the main ethical problems associated with the use of AI technologies.

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