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Bibliographic description of the article: 

Alekseiuk V.E. Development of software and computer complex for modeling and optimization of operating heat and power installations // Informacionnye tehnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie v upravlenii slozhnymi sistemami: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Information technology and mathematical modeling in the management of complex systems: electronic scientific journal], 2022. No. 3(15). P. 14-23. DOI: 10.26731/2658-3704.2022.3(15).14-23 [Accessed 15/10/22]

Journal number: 
004.942; 621.165


Article File: 

The aim of the work is to develop the software-computer complex designed for mathematical modeling, identification of parameters and optimization of operating modes of existing thermal power plants. A modern power unit with a nominal capacity of 225 MW, installed at the Kharanorskaya GRES, was chosen as a prototype. The software and computing complex at this stage is a development environment consisting of eight main computing units connected by information transmission channels. The article provides a brief description of each of the software-computer complex computing units and the software environments in which they are implemented. The software-computer complex allows developing mathematical models of complex thermal power plants and solving large-scale optimization problems. For example, the software-computer complex provides for the identification of the parameters necessary to adjust the coefficients of the model, taking into account the current state of the prototype installation. In addition, a tuned mathematical model of a thermal power plant can be used for parametric optimization of the real mode of operation of a power plant, which reduces fuel costs, or for optimization without involving a real installation. Thus, the software-computer complex presented in the paper offers an effective approach to the study and optimization of existing thermal power plants using the apparatus of mathematical modeling and circuit-parametric optimization.

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