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The article offers a possible solution to the problem of spot controlling network traffic restrictions for web-hosting clients running virtual dedicated servers on virtualization nodes under KVM hypervisor or using OpenVZ virtualization technology running on Linux operating system. The proposed solution is an asynchronous information system that centrally stores information about the current location of all virtual machines (which is important if there are a large number of virtualization nodes, when in order to distribute the load servers can migrate from one host to another), assigned to them network addresses, as well as allowing a real-time web interface to manage blacklists to block individual virtual machines or specific ip-addresses, with the possibility of delayed blocking and unblocking. Describes and justifies the choice of system architecture and database management system with a detailed description of the data storage scheme itself.

List of references: 

1. Dakinch V., Vettathu E., Prasad M. KVM Virtualization, Complete Guide, 2nd ed. Systems Analysis. Modeling. - Packt Publishing Ltd. 2020. 157 c. - ISBN 978-1-83882-871-4

2. Georgy Isaev: Designing Information Systems. Tutorial - 1st edition - ed. by Grigorash M. L. Omega-L, 2015. - 424 с. - ISBN: 978-5-370-02508-2

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6. Butch G., Rambo D., Jacobson A. UML Language. User's guide / G. Buch, D. Rambo, A. Jacobson - 2nd ed. - M., SPb. DMK Press, Peter, 2004. - 432 с. - ISBN 5-94074-260-2.

7. Campbell L., Majors C., Databases. Reliability engineering - SPb. DMK Press, Peter, 2004. - 304 с. - ISBN 978-5-4461-1310-1.

8. Hattingh K. - Using Asyncio in Python: An Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Python 1st Edition - O'Reilly Media, 2020. - 166 с. - ISBN 978-1492075332