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For effective management of the organization and the control of its activity, continuous access to the most important information required to achieve the goal is necessary. In this context, it becomes relevant to visualize data using visualizations or dashboards that can be used to compact information and shorten analysis time.

The article looks at historical insight into data visualization, from the introduction of charts to dashboards. With the development of information technology, a large number of software products came onto the market. They not only enable the display of report data on a screen, but also the continuous acquisition of the analyzed data. These products include Tableau, Qlik, Power BI, etc.

As part of the training process within the discipline «Information Technologies in Management» students are offered to create dashboards  to get to know the concept using MS Excel, which has basic tabular data that needs to be analyzed, and MS Visio, which creates dashboard prototypes. At the same time, the creation of a summary table in MS Excel is offered for the primary analysis of large tables.

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