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The purpose of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of Microsoft Excel and LPSolve IDE programs using the example of solving transport problems of large dimensions. The technology for solving transport problems in Microsoft Excel and LPSolve IDE programs is considered. It has been established that Excel allows solving transport problems with a total number of variables not exceeding 200. Therefore, Excel cannot be considered a software designed for solving transport problems of large dimensions. Computational experiments were performed in Excel and LPSolve. It turned out that even when solving small-scale problems, the Excel program is inferior in performance to the LPSolve package. To automate the process of forming a mathematical model, a special converter program was developed in LPSolve. With the help of it, the time for entering large-scale transport problems in LPSolve was reduced. The LPSolve package coped with the solution of the problem of dimension 330 * 330, in which 108900 variables and 660 constraints, in just 245.75 seconds, so it can be considered an efficient software designed for solving transport problems of large dimensions.

List of references: 


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