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Seryodkin S.P. Business game as a condition for the formation of professional competencies of future information security specialists // Informacionnye tehnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie v upravlenii slozhnymi sistemami: ehlektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Information technology and mathematical modeling in the management of complex systems: electronic scientific journal], 2022. No. 2(14). P. 34-42. DOI: 10.26731/2658-3704.2022.2(14).34-42 [Accessed 30/06/22]

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The article theoretically substantiates the features of the business game, which is aimed at improving the level of the educational process of students studying in the specialty 10.03.01 "Information security". This article gives an opportunity to understand in more detail the educational business game and the game method of teaching, the advantages and rules of effective use of games, the possibility of their use in the educational process, and also gives a classification of various interactive teaching methods that help to assimilate information with the greatest efficiency and improve the level and quality of knowledge. The research was based on the hypothesis that a business game can be an effective means of forming the professional competencies of future information security specialists. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the justification of the use of business games in the educational process as a means of forming professional competencies, complementing each other in terms of goals, objectives and content. The business game provides students with initiative, emotional saturation of the learning process, consolidation of basic theoretical knowledge. It also allows to increase the scale of coverage of reality, clearly represents the consequences of decisions made, makes it possible to check alternative solutions, stimulates the process of taking responsibility necessary in professional activity.

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