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Questions of implementation of the built-in means of dynamic control of control automata (UA) of various degree of complexity are considered. A method of control based on new binary non-positional codes (DNA), which do not have combinations of "11" in each pair of bits of the state codes of UA, is proposed. It is shown that the use of DNA in simple Moore automata with a small number of logical conditions (q≤ 6) and the number of bits of state codes m≤ 4 in unitary state coding is realized through the elements "And" to fix the combination "11". For such a structure, THE graph-scheme of the control algorithm (GSA) must be transformed through the introduction of empty operators into separate branches of the GSA in order to eliminate loops and separate a continuous sequence of logical conditions. For more complex UA, it is proposed to carry out self-control through DNA codes using a UA with an original structural organization, in which a multiplexer is introduced to select one logical condition for each period of functioning of the UA. A change in the structural organization of the original UA with a logical block of (q) elements "And" addressed by a subset of outputs of the state decoder independent of the action operators corresponding to the logical operators is considered. Today, this is the easiest way to implement self-controlled UA with DNA codes.

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