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Based on the analysis of a number of works devoted to car suspensions, a brief classification is given, in particular, the classification of suspension control systems for cars and other vehicles. Their advantages and disadvantages are given. The main disadvantages of the existing systems and those considered in the literature are their inability to function under the current uncertainty of the parameters of the suspension, vehicle and external disturbances, as well as the impossibility of promptly countering disturbances. A new adaptive suspension control algorithm is being formed, capable of functioning under the conditions of the current uncertainty of the specified parameters. It is built on the basis of the current restructuring of the control system on the basis of the parametric identification of the mathematical model of the control object, carried out at the current time of the control system functioning, and an implicit reference model. As a controlled element, an adjustable degree of damping of the suspension shock absorber using a magnetorheological fluid is used. On the example of a single-mass suspension model "a quarter of a car", a model study of the efficiency of the obtained algorithm was carried out, as well as its comparison with the one that is closest in terms of the task at hand - the method of instantaneous switching of the degree of suspension damping.

Список цитируемой литературы: 


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