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Abrikosov C., Popova V.A. Static type-checking in web applications on Node.js: integration process and identification of type mismatch errors // Informacionnye tehnologii i matematicheskoe modelirovanie v upravlenii slozhnymi sistemami: elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Information technology and mathematical modeling in the management of complex systems: electronic scientific journal], 2023. No. 2(18). P. 23-32. DOI: 10.26731/2658‑3704.2023.2(18).23-32 [Accessed 17/06/23]

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Quality software development that has a high degree of fault tolerance under various factors is not an easy task for developers. One of the problems that significantly affects the program's quality is the type mismatch of constructs in dynamically typed programming languages. In this regard, there are tools being created and implemented that allow you to eliminate a considerable number of typing errors at the development stage. The problem of type mismatch is also relevant for web applications that are widely used to solve everyday tasks of users in various fields of activity. At the moment, JavaScript is a particularly popular programming language for creating both server-side and client-side web applications. Despite the ease of use and high development speed due to this programming language, the dynamic typing problems that are present, which the developer cannot always track, make it very difficult to use the created web applications. This is due to the high probability of errors occurring during the operation of the program, which can violate the integrity of data and stop workflows. This paper describes the process of implementing the Nest.js framework, which supports the statically typed TypeScript programming language, into the backend of a web application, which is implemented on the Node.js platform. Lists the types of errors that were found as a result of implementing Nest.js.

Список цитируемой литературы: 
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