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The article is devoted to the application of regression models as a tool for developing specific plans for the development of socio-economic systems. The problem of nonlinear programming on the choice of the optimal action plan to achieve a given level of development of the socio-economic system in the shortest time is formulated. Also, a nonlinear programming problem is formulated on the choice of the closest to a profitable action plan to achieve a given level of development of the socio-economic system in a specified time interval. Computational experiments have been carried out to confirm the correctness of the proposed mathematical apparatus.

Список цитируемой литературы: 


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6. Bazilevskij M.P., Noskov S.I. Formalizacija zadachi postroenija linejno-mul'tiplikativnoj regressii v vide zadachi chastichno-bulevogo linejnogo programmirovanija [Formalization of the problem of constructing linear multiplicative regression as a partial boolean linear programming problem]. Sovremennye tehnologii. Sistemnyj analiz. Modelirovanie [Modern technologies. System analysis. Modeling]. 2017, no. 3, vol. 55, pp. 101-105.

7. Bazilevskij M.P., Noskov S.I. Ocenivanie indeksnyh modelej regressii s pomoshh'ju metoda naimen'shih modulej [Estimating Index Regression Models Using Least Modules]. Vestnik Rossijskogo novogo universiteta. Serija: Slozhnye sistemy: modeli, analiz i upravlenie [Bulletin of the Russian New University. Series: Complex Systems: Models, Analysis and Management]. 2020, no. 1, pp. 17-23.

8. Bazilevskiy M.P. Otsenivanie lineyno-neelementarnykh regressionnykh modeley s pomoshch'yu metoda naimen'shikh kvadratov [Estimating Linear Non-Elementary Regression Models Using Least Squares]. Modelirovanie, optimizatsiya i informatsionnye tekhnologii [Modeling, optimization and information technology]. 2020, no. 4, vol. 31, pp. 26-27.

9. Bazilevskiy M.P. Otbor informativnykh operatsiy pri postroenii lineyno-neelementarnykh regressionnykh modeley [Selection of informative operations in the construction of linear non-elementary regression models]. International Journal of Open Information Technologies. 2021, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 30-35.

10. Bazilevskiy M.P. Postroenie stepenno-pokazatel'nykh regressionnykh modeley i ikh interpretatsiya [Construction of power-exponential regression models and their interpretation]. Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Sistemnyy analiz i informatsionnye tekhnologii [Voronezh State University Bulletin. Series: System Analysis and Information Technology]. 2020, no. 4, pp. 19-28.