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377: [004.9+004.31.4]


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The article presents the experience of developing and implementing the online course "Modern digital technologies in special education" in LMS Moodle environment of Katanov Khakas State University for students who get 44.04.03 Special (defectological) education. During the course developing, the requirements and recommendations for the similar courses development on the LMS Moodle  platform, recommended by Katanov  Khakass State University, were considered. The course main components were considered, a curriculum-thematic lesson plan with the developed course using was presented, tasks and structured educational-methodological information on the course main modules were described. The course has been tested and it is used to educate students.

Список цитируемой литературы: 

1. Dissertation library (in Russian). URL:http://www.dslib.net/teoria-vospitania/ahpasheva-metodicheskaja-sistema-...

2. Methodical recommendations about the educational process organization for the education of persons with disabilities in educational institutions of high education, including the equipment of the educational process (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 08.04.2014 N AK-44/05vn)] (in Russian). URL: http://base.garant.ru/70680520/ (accessed 3 September 2020).

3. Portal of the Federal State Educational Standards of High Education] (in Russian). URL: http://fgosvo.ru/ (accessed 16 September 2020).

4. Piguzov A. A. Distance learning system Moodle Educational methodical guide. / A. A. Piguzov, E. Yu. Redkina. - Kostroma: KSU named after. N. A. Nekrasova, 2014. 58 p.

5. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies. Moscow, Public Education, 2014. 556 p.

6. Senkevich G.E. Computer for people with disabilities. Saint-Petersburg, BHV-Petersburg Publ., 2014. 320 p. (in Russian).

7. Official website OF the Katanov Moscow state University URL:http:// www.khsu.ru// (date of access 16.10.2020).

8. Moodle [Electronic resource]: Official website. URL: http://moodle.org (date of application: 09/29/2020).