Дата поступления: 
Номер журнала (Том): 
004.652 : 51-74


Файл статьи: 

Existing methods and models for representation of fuzzy numbers in databases of information systems are analyzed. Existing methods for constructing membership functions are reviewed and analyzed. To determine the core of a fuzzy number is proposed to use the data obtained from the investigated object, and for support — theoretical information about the object. The form of the membership function determinate by the ratio of the core to the support of fuzzy set. The criterion values may be revised if necessary, taking into account the values included in the set of real measured data, or based on the requirement to simplify the automated handling procedures. The fuzzy numbers with typical membership are proposed to store in a string that containing values for breaking points. Fuzzy numbers with an arbitrary membership function are proposed to store in a string that containing the coefficients of the approximation function. The developed method can find application in decision support systems and in automated technological process control systems.

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